Batchelors Degree Fine Art, Gwent Institute of Higher Education
Masters Degree, Computer Related Design, Royal College of Art, London
Doctoral degree, by publication, University of the West of England. Thesis title ‘Temporal Representations in Human Computer Interaction: Designing for the lived experience of time”
Misc appointments and positions.
Programme leader & Senior Lecturer: MSc Creative Technologies, BSc Digital Media – University of the West of England 2008- present
Visiting Researcher, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) Amsterdam 2013-
Visiting Lecturer University van Amsterdam 2014-
Visiting Lecturer SHAPE Hong Kong Design Institute 2012-
Management and Steering Committee Centrespace Gallery, Bristol 2004 – 2012
Consultant – Media Sandbox – Pervasive Media Studio, Bristol 2008
Associate & steering member – Peoples Republic of Stokes Croft, Bristol 2009 – present
Principal sponsor of the Bloodhound SSC world land speed record project
Founder ‘Akciddento’ drag race team
Selected Exhibitions
ACM SIGCHI Demonstration and Art Track (2 pieces) Montreal, Canada April (2018)
Carbon meets Silicon, (ITA17) Oriel Sycharth Gallery, Wrexham, UK (2017)
Artech17 Macau, PRC (2017) paper and generative video installation ‘Making a time machine’
Digital Futures, BCS with Victoria and Albert Museum, London (2017)
Inter Society for Electronic Art (ISEA) 2017, Manizales, Colombia
Digital Futures’ London, July 2016: In conjunction with the Victoria and Albert Museum and the British Computer Society, Electronic Visualisation in the Arts 2016 Conference
‘Data Aesthetics’ at OBA Amsterdam, October 2016: In conjunction with Waag Society and ACM Multimedia 2016 conference
‘Digital Art: Archiving and Questioning Immateriality’ 5th Computer Arts Congress, Paris, October 2016:
‘Civilian’ Joint show painting and photography. With Steve Phillips. Centrespace Gallery, 2011
Selected – Redfield Film Festival 2009
Bristol FilmMakers Festival 2008 – Selected and Screened at Watershed Media Centre
Bristol FilmMakers Festival 2008 – Selected and Screened at Arnolfini Gallery
short readymade films ‘falling ‘ and ‘looking ‘ screened Glastonbury Festival 2007
short readymade films ‘falling ‘ and ‘looking ‘ screened Ashton Court Festival, Bristol 2007
short readymade films screened ATA Festival San Francisco 2007
solo show ‘after the party’ centrespace gallery bristol uk october 2005
solo show ‘petrolhead ‘ centrespace gallery bristol uk november 2004
solo show ‘stock’ centrespace gallery bristol uk march 2003
Selected conferences and presentations
ISCMA Machine Art, City University Hong Kong (2019)
Invited Speaker – Who owns time? Experience Design School, Folkwang University of Arts, Essen.2015
Invited Speaker – Time is my superpower, School of Creative Media, City University, Hong Kong 2015
Teaching & Learning 2012 conference, University of the West of England. Invited speaker (2014)
Warwick University, Being Human in the Digital Age Seminar Speaker, 2012
International Symposium on Electronic Art, Istanbul, Turkey 2011
Ignite 2011, Bristol Festival of ideas. Invited speaker
DigiCult Seminar presenter, UWE, Bristol 2011
Dorkbot Bristol – Various – 2006-2008
Digital Cultures Research Centre 2009 – present
Keynote – Generative music – Watershed Media Centre (with Iamthemightyjungulator) 2002
Invited Speaker – Interactive Television, Media Asia Conference, Manila, Philippines 2000
Invited Speaker – Interactive Television, Max Berlin 1998
Invited Speaker – Interaction Design, Macworld Expo – London 1994
Invited Speaker – Interactive Music, In the City conference Belfast 1994
Panel Speaker – Interactive Music, In the City conference Manchester 1993
Invited Speaker – Virtual Environments, Pharmakon Symposium Brighton 1991
Selected published products & programs
‘Roadworthy’ CD-I and CD-ROM 1992 for Philips Interactive
‘A child is born’ CD-I 1992 for Philips Interactive
extensive work on interactive projects with artists including coldcut, apollo 440, utah saints, arcangel 1993 -1998
published work includes
’11 track player’ – Nyack. The world’s first published RedBook Standard Interactive
‘let us play’ Interactive enhanced CD- Coldcut
‘essential mix III’ Interactive enhanced CD- Pete Tong
‘tone tales from tomorrow’ Interactive enhanced CD- Ninja Tune
‘interceptor’ Interactive enhanced CD- Eat Static
‘generation g’ -Interactive enhanced CD Dave Stewart and Volkswagen gmbh
tribal gathering & big chill live performance & webcasts
audio CD album ‘it’s still more fun to compute’ released 1999
audio CD album ‘MTR’ released 2000
‘Thinking about drinking’ DVD for BBC TV Education 2006 – Animation, Design & authoring
Photographic commissions for Venue Magazine 2003-2005
Location Stills Photographer ‘Tom Jones’ Cock’ – Independent Feature Film 2006
Books and book chapters
- Through (2017) Artist Book, Photographic essay ISBN: 1366365666
- Looking Down (2017) Artist Book, Photographic essay ISBN: 1366365860
- Figure/Ground (2016) Artist Book, Photographic essay ISBN: 9781364412241
- Buzzo, D. (2014) Time travel: Time dilaton: A year of airtravel. Bristol, UK: Blurb. ISBN 9781320051477
- Bailey, J. E., Biggs, I. and Buzzo, D. (2014) Deep mapping and rural connectivities. In: Hennessy, C., Burholt, V. and Means, R., eds. (2014) Countryside connections: Older people, community and place in rural Britain. UK: The Policy Press, pp. 159-192. ISBN 9781447310303
- Buzzo, D. (2018) A cognitive vernacular for the internet of things? In: Adebayo, R. , Farouk, I. , Jones, S. and Rapeane-Mathonsi, M. , eds. International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA) 2018, Durban, South Africa, 23 – 30 June 2018. Durban, South Africa: ISEA, p. 374
- Buzzo, D. (2018) The Volca Project: A Multi-Sensory Camera for Augmented Reality. In Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems – Proceedings, CHI’18 Extended Abstracts,. ACM, Montreal, Canada.
- Buzzo, D. (2018) What do we Know of Space and Time When all We Can Know for Real is Here and Now?. In Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems – Proceedings, CHI’18 Extended Abstracts,. ACM, Montreal, Canada.
- Buzzo, D. (2018 The Volca Project: a Sensory Experiment in Collaborative Visualisation. In Proceedings of Transimage’18, April 2018, Edinburgh, UK
- Buzzo, D. (2017) Temporal Representations in HCI: Designing for the Lived Experience of Time 2017 Doctoral Thesis. University of the West of England
- Buzzo, D. (2017) The Time Machine: A multiscreen generative video artwork. In: ARTECH2017: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Digital Arts, Macau, China, 6-8 September 201. New York: ACM, pp. 199-203
- Buzzo, D. (2017) Making a time machine: Creating high performance video installations using low cost computer platforms (In Press) 2017 British Computer Society, Electronic Visualisation and the Arts
- Buzzo, D. (2016) What do we know of time when all we can know for real is now? In: Proceedings of the 5th Computer Art Congress. Paris, France. ISBN 9791090094239 Available from: http://
- Buzzo, D. Phelps, P. and Jonas, D. (2016) JourneyMap: Visualising the time- bound student Journey. In: British Computer Society: Electronic Visualisation in the Arts, London, UK
- Hassenzahl, M. Buzzo, D. Neuhaus, M (2016) PerfectDays. A benevolent calendar to take back your time. 10th International Conference on Design & Emotion
- Buzzo, D. and Jonas, D. (2016) Tracking The Imperceptible: In: Objects as Outcomes of Design Research at ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) , San Jose, USA
- Buzzo, D. Phelps, P (2015) How to develop and maintain an online community of co-learners a social media classroom in Proceeding of the IEETEL International workshop on Interactive Environments and Emerging Technologies for eLearning
- Buzzo, D. and Merendino, N. (2015) Not all days are equal: Investigating the meaning in the digital calendar. CHI’15 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human factors in Computing Systems.
- Buzzo, D. (2014) Time travel: Time dilation. In: Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2014), British Computer Society, London, UK, 8 – 10 July 2014. London, UK: British Computer Society
- Buzzo, D. (2013) Changing perspectives of time in HCI. In: ACM SIGCHI AltCHI, Paris, April 2013.
- Buzzo, D. (2013) Lost time never. In: Input – Outputs 2013, Brighton, UK, 26th June 2013. Input Outputs conferencve proceedings:
- Buzzo, D. (2013) Time: Changing Perspectives of Time in HCI.
- Buzzo, D. (2013) The shape of time: Reconsidering time in the context of pervasive media. In: Fascinate Conference 2013, Falmouth, UK, 28th – 30th August, 2013.
- Buzzo, D. and warwick university (2012) On the digital afterlife: Being human in the digital age. In: Being Human in the Information Age , Warwick University, UK, March 2012. Institute of Advanced Study, Warwick University:
- Biggs, I., Bailey, J. and Buzzo, D. (2012) The Delphy Bridge project: A multimedia deep mapping project evoking and engaging the lives of older adults in rural North Cornwall. .
- Buzzo, D. (2011) Things to do in the digital afterlife when you’re dead. In: International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA) 2011, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2011. ISEA: Leonardo
- Phelps, P., Lynch, M. and Buzzo, D. (2011) Student engagement with lecture transcripts. In: Proceedings of the Higher Education Academy for Information and Computer Sciences 12th Annual Conference, University of Ulster in Belfast., 23rd August, 2011. Proceedings of the Higher Education Academy for Information and Computer Sciences 12th Annual Conference: University of Ulster in Belfast
- Migrating to HTML5 & CSS3 How-to: Technical Supervisor: Pakt Publishing 2012
Other Academic
Invited reviewer for ACM TVX, the ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for Television and Online VideoSpecial Recognition for ‘Exceptional Reviewing’ from the Chair:
ACM TVX 2015, 16, 17 Invited Reviewer
ACM SIGCHI 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
Programme committee ACM DIS 2015,2016,
Programme committee BCS EVA 2016,2017,2018,2019,
Associate chair for DIS 2018, Interact 2019
Judge for MEDEA awards, launched by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission in 2011, now part of the annual European Media and Learning Conference.
For Broadcast
‘Binge Thinking’ Documentary for BBC Wales 2004 – Graphics & Animation
‘Louisa’s Story’ short film for BBC TV refugee week 2005 – Produced & Directed
‘Harm’ short film for BBC TV for Barnardos Childrens Homes 2005 – Produced & Directed
‘Cheers’ short film for BBC TV Education 2005 – Produced & Directed
Feature Films
‘A piece of Tom Jones’, Tred Productions – Independent feature, Theatrical Release 2010
Selected Articles and reviews
Cover page Review & centrespread interview – CD-NOW magazine 1993
‘new interactive media’ CD-Rom Magazine 1994
Review – Revolver Magazine 1997
Reviews & Photographs – Decode Magazine 2003
Reviews & Photographs – Venue 2004, 2006
Review & interview BBC TV Points west news August 2008
Photography – Publicity – The Guardian, The Independent, Time Out September/October 2009